Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Galway to Cork

Ask and you shall receive I guess. We took a day trip out to the cliffs of Moher and the weather was actually decent. The sun would occasionally shine so it was nice. Our tour guide told us that it rains twice a week in Galway, once lasting 4 days and the other only lasts 3 days. I guess we just got it on the right day. I would post some of the pictures I took but I can't plug my camera into the computer. Guess I will have to do that later. I can go into more detail with pictures as it would be a little easier having visual aids.

An interesting note about Galway is that it is the center for real traditional Irish music. Except in Galway they refer to it as trad music. So pretty much every pub I went to had a traditional band going. As you walk down the streets you can usually hear one of the bands playing so it is easy to find them out. I think my favorite pub was the Quay. It had a pretty good band playing and the atmosphere of the pub was unique and interesting. On our last night in Galway the band kept on getting requests from some inebriated soccer fans to play the song 'Galway Girl.' The band eventually gave in but you could tell they were not happy about giving into playing this one. I was just happy because I have had a streak of hearing that song just about every night since getting into Ireland. One night I heard it twice in the same bar in the span of about 20 min.

Today we then took the train down to Cork. We got in late in the afternoon so the Blarney castle would have been closed by the time we made it up there. So the plan is to go up there tomorrow morning so we can kiss the blarney stone. After that Eric and I will be parting ways for a few days. Eric will be going off to Wales and I will go to Dublin for at least some of the St. Patrick's day festival. I guess the real Irish thing to do for St. Patrick's day is to go to New York, Boston, or Las Vegas (I was told this by an Irishman) but I think Dublin will be nice. From what I have looked up it seems like Dublin has the biggest celebration out of all of the cities in Ireland.

Also a quick note for Bridget, I am not going to make it down to county Kerry so either I can try and steal the Blarney stone (which may be more difficult than I am anticipating) or I can get a rock from either Cork or Dublin.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! I'll take a Dublin rock! Heck, any rock, pebble, speck o'dirt from Ireland is fine with me! I'd be grateful for whatever! Thanks, Pat! You're awesome!!!!!!!!
