Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Got into Warsaw Monday and immediately went to the hostel to go to bed. It's a little more than a nine hour train ride from Prague to Warsaw so I was little tired. Tuesday we walked down to the old town and saw some beautiful churches. It's kind of interesting to see the difference between the Polish churches and the churches we saw in Germany and the Czech Republic. In Poland there was a very reverent atmosphere and you can still realize that this is still a place of worship. For the most part, all of the churches we saw in other countries were all tourist locations.

In one of the churches we went to they had Chopin's heart preserved inside one of the pillars. I thought it was a little interesting. Eric snapped a picture of the plaque saying "this is Chopin's heart" or something to that effect. I can't post any pictures right now so you will have to make do with just imagining it.

Today we got up and hopped on the train down to Krakow. It's a considerably closer distance than our other train rides so we once we got here we threw our stuff in the hostel and went back to the train station to go down to Auschwitz. When the train rolled into Auschwitz there was a lot of fog that sort of gave the town an ominous sort of feel to it. As if the town didn't have that sort of feel already. That pretty much filled out our day but we booked our hostel for 3 nights so we are going to be here for a little while. The hostel we found is really nice, we are staying here for about $35 a night. And that is with a complimentary breakfast. I know that probably just means some cereal and a roll but who cares its free.


  1. Chopin's heart in a pillar? Why can't we Americans do cool things like that? It nearly tops the petrified cat and rat at Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin.
