Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

I am at a internet cafe right now because our hostel is an old women who has a bunch of rooms. I guess that is a popular thing to do in place of hostels in some Eastern European countries. But because I am at an internet cafe I cant post any pictures of me saying happy birthday or something like that so I hope this works fou you dad. I also have been looking for phone cards but there arent a lot of grocery stores in downtown Budapest. I did drink a pepsi in your honor today though. And I plan on going to a pub and drinking something else in your honor as well. Sorry I couldnt be there to say this in person but I will say again here, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Other people-
We took the train from Bratislava over to Budapest adn were immediatly greated by throngs of people eager to meet us. Well, us and our tourist money. Budapest has some of the most aggresive sales people ever. I was offered a place to stay by 4 different people at the train station. While touring a castle today we had some guy with an awesome Hungarian accent telling us he could give us a one of a kind tour of the castle showing us things we could never find ourselves and he would also give us tips where we could get food cheap. It took us a little over 5 minutes trying to explain to him we werent interestead. Finally I said we had a couple friends who were waiting for us and we needed to leave. This made the guide happy and he told us to bring them and he would give us all a tour. I think he is still waiting for us.

We are staying at a little hostel downtown that was recomended tin Erics travel guide. It is nice but there is no laudry facility and no interent. I would be loading pictures now but because I am at an internet cafe I cant really do it now. So no pictures for a little longer. I can tell you that they are really cool. For now you will have to imagine something really cool and then put me into that picture.

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