Friday, June 5, 2009

Home and Birthdays

Happy birthday Mom!!! I raced home from Pittsburgh to wish you a happy birthday but when I got home no one was here so you will have to accept this. (Also sorry it is technically late but my ride was a little slow picking me up)

For the rest of the world I guess I will update my blog a little as I haven't blogged in a few weeks. I just got back from a trip visiting my sister and brother-in-law along with their kids. It is always fun getting to see my nephews. On the trip I played golf for the first time in my life. Hitting a little ball with a club is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I still say Robin Williams stand up on golf is the best explanation for the sport. But it is fun once you start understanding how to actual play.

Originally I was suppose to leave last Tuesday but when I got to the airport I found out my flight had been canceled. They promptly booked me on the next available flight which was the next evening. John was upset when he found out my flight was canceled that he wrote this sign.

It says "kom too da" which translate to "come home today." Not sure how the home works but its pretty close.

Dan and I also went and saw the Pirates play the Mets on Monday. I don't follow either team too much so I was surprised by all of the ex-Mariner players I saw.
First we have Jeremy Reed. For those who don't know baseball he is the guy at the plate right now.
Then there was Ramon Vazquez who came up and struck out with the bases loaded. Made me see that even though some players leave there is always a little Mariner left in them.
Former Mariner closer J.J. Putz. I didn't get any pictures of it, but he did come into the game later on in the 8th.

I got to hangout with my nephews which is always fun. One afternoon we walked to a little farm nearby that Kelly and Dan get their eggs from.
John and Finn looking for the little chicks. (they are under the coop if you can see them at all in this picture)

On the way back we stopped by this little bench for a breather.
It was hard to get a picture because Finn kept on running to the camera to see how the picture turned out.

We also stopped by a little pond on the way back to the house. John ran ahead of us and ran straight into the mud. When he ran out he was barefoot. So I got to go fishing and I came up with...
two crocs!
John and Finn carried the shoes back on sticks. John kinda looked like a little hobo with his stick over his shoulder and muddy feet.


  1. Oh man, don't get me started on J.J. Putz! He's going to be out 10-12 weeks with a bone spur in his elbow. Well, he'll have surgery to remove it, and then will be out 10-12 weeks. What kind of pitcher have your Mariners sent us!??! That Pittsburgh series was awful. Just awful for the Mets. We sustained more injuries in that series then I would have ever expected. Jose Reyes is out for the season (probably) too! AAACK!!!! My Mets fell apart in Pittsburgh! And you got to see it!

  2. The Mariners only give away the best. J.J. has always been one of those guys that needs the game to be on the line to be effective. At least you guys got Reed out of it. He seems to be doing well.

  3. I hadn't seen this post until today. Cute pictures. I especially like the one of John and Finn looking over the fence.
